Just Drive

Started out on a dirty road

all alone on a path

where the sun is getting ready to set

leaving the good old day behind

to settle on the horizon to let it all go

Started out on a dirty road

Break your heart and steal your wits

Leading your steps to a winding

rocky and sometimes steep mountain to climb

and end up to who knows where


The silence between you and I

cuts the air from my lungs

airways blocked by cinders and fallen debris

from the trainwreck that we were

What was a harmonious melody

only sour notes left

a distant sound barely audible

perhaps a sigh a gentle breeze

or a whisper from a dying ember.

This Daffodil

This daffodil wants to play

She wants to feel the sun on her skin

The rain on her hair, she wants to laugh with glee

Sugar, spice and honeybee. She wants the joy, the pain

and laughing in the rain.

She enjoys being spanked, or slapped or liking it rough.

She wants you and she wants you a lot. Think about that buster!!

My Love

I know you were petrified, scared of what was going on between us

So close yet so far, but my love… have you even thought of asking yourself

what did you need from me? what it was you wanted from me?

You ran out of here as fast as a bullet train traveled a thousand miles

So I guess this is good-bye my love

There are beautiful and perfect times in our lifetime

that comes only once.

Sorry you didn’t go on that bus…………..

My love